Woman Shows Men How To Workout While 9 Months Pregnant

To mimic the challenges of working out while pregnant, Duboc’s husband and a number of male coaches and gym members performed the workout with 10-pound medicine balls wrapped around their waists.

After sharing content of the pregnancy workout on her Instagram page, it gained a lot of attention, with over 9 million views, and was quickly picked up by top American news programs, including Good Morning America.

Promoting body positivity, Duboc believes the ‘happy endorphins’ released during exercise are a great way to feel healthier and more positive during pregnancy.

Obviously, not everyone that far along in their pregnancy will be able to train, but Duboc was more than up for the challenge – proving that exercising while 40 weeks pregnant is perfectly doable. ACOG advises that “If you were very active before pregnancy, you can keep doing the same workouts with your obstetrician’s approval.” (https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/exercise-during-pregnancy) And with the long list of added health benefits for both mom and baby, exercising during pregnancy for those who can is a win-win for all.

Likewise, if you want to be a supportive partner, you can always attach a medicine ball to your waist while training with your pregnant other half. Start your pregnant workout with Dynamax – medicine balls made in the US and approved by athletes.

Shop medicine balls for sale at Dynamax today.

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